
Kent School Uniform Logo

Kent School Uniform

Furley Park Primary Academy uses Kent School Uniform suppliers for all school uniform needs.

The ACE Trustees have decided that there should be a high standard set for Academy uniform and expects children to be appropriately dressed for school. By accepting a place at Furley Park parents agree to support the uniform policy and maintain a high element of appearance and pride in the Academy.

Foundation Stage

White polo shirt, navy jogging bottoms, Academy pullover with the Academy logo, plain black trainers (for outdoors), wellington boots, indoor slippers and an Academy sun cap. In hot weather, In summer children may wear dark grey tailored shorts or a light blue gingham summer dresses. Please note that two piece gingham skirts and tops and gingham culottes/playsuits may not be worn.

Winter Uniform

Dark grey trousers, grey socks, black shoes, white cotton shirt (No polo shirts), Academy tie, Academy pullover or cardigan.


Dark grey skirt, white socks or grey tights, black shoes, white cotton shirt (no polo shirts), Academy tie, Academy pullover or cardigan.

Summer Uniform [1st May to 30th September]

Dark grey tailored shorts, grey socks, black shoes, white cotton shirt (no polo shirts), Academy tie,


Light blue gingham dress, white ankle socks, black shoes or sandals (no open toes). Please note that two piece gingham skirts and tops and gingham culottes/playsuits may not be worn.

Blazers – An Academy Blazer can be worn with the winter and summer uniform from year 1 onwards.

PE Kit – royal blue shorts, t-shirt in house colour, plimsolls or trainers. Pupils may wear a plain blue track suit for outdoor PE in the winter.

Jewellery – Only small stud earrings and watches may be worn for school.

Make-Up and Nail Varnish – these should not be worn for school.

Hair – Small royal blue hair ribbons or clips may be worn. Long hair must be tied back for PE.

Hair colouring of any kind is not permitted- this includes coloured hair pieces.

Pupils may bring trainers to change into at playtime but must change back into shoes during lessons.

Boots or open toe sandals may not be worn in school.

Names in Clothing and Personal Belongings

Naming is essential in trying to return lost items. Sew in labels last longer than pen.

The Academy accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

Children should not bring jewellery, toys, mobile phones or other valuable items to Academy.

Pencil cases should not be brought into school, all equipment for lessons is provided by the school.